Quick Setup

From project

The easyiest way to try playing is clone the sample project here https://github.com/opera-project/opera-cms

$ git clone git@github.com:opera-project/skeleton.git
$ cd opera-cms

Comment the file /config/routes/opera_core.yaml

Run make init

Edit the DATABASE_URL in your .env file

Run make db

Uncomment the file /config/routes/opera_core.yaml

add the opera pages to your routing file config/routes.yaml

  path: /{_opera_page_path}/
      _opera_page_path: /
      _opera_page_path: .+

From composer with flex

Waiting PR in merge

From composer without flex

Create an Opera project

In your command console execute the following command:

composer create-project -s dev opera-project/skeleton:1.0.x-dev example

This command creates a new directory called example that contains a new symfony project using opera.

Configure database

Presently, your database is not configured, you will not have permission. You must edit the DATABASE_URL in your .env file

Finish install

You can now use make init and make db command in your project folder. It will create the database according to your DATABASE_URL and load the schema and fixtures.

Run Server

You can now start the web server: ./bin/console server:run

The admin will be available on http://localhost:8000/admin using cedric as username and demo as password.

Next steps

This skeleton contains these bundles:

Things to know

Opera Project use EasyAdmin admin generator. You might want to take a look at their documentation in the near futur.