
The bundle OperaListBlockBundle provide a easy way to manage list of entities for opera-project cms:

  • a new type of Block ContentList that gives the possibility of having block of listed entities.
  • an interface BlockListableInterface to implements on your listable entities


composer require opera-project/list-block-bundle

Configuration Features

Presently, the ContentList Block configuration can configure thoses parameters

  • what : which listable entity the block will use
  • template : which twig template to use
  • order : which order to display the listable entities
  • limit : how many entities to display
  • tags : filter by taxonomy (See OperaTaxonomyBundle)
  • filters : add more filter settings to use in an EntityRepository (json accepted)

How to make an entity listable

Tag entities

Add to your configuration file theses lines. It will tag your futures entities that implements BlockListableInterface as listable.

# config.yaml
            tags: ['cms.block_listable']

Implements BlockListableInterface

To make your entity listable and usable by the ContentList Block you must implements BlockListableInterface. BlockListableInterface has two method to implements listableConfiguration() and filterForListableBlock()

namespace App\Repository;

use Opera\ListBlockBundle\BlockType\BlockListableInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;

class MyNewListableRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository implements BlockListableInterface
    public function listableConfiguration(): array 
        // todo implements

    public function filterForListableBlock(Block $block): QueryBuilder
        // todo implements

The listableConfiguration method

listableConfiguration() must returns an array that will be used in the admin to configure the available templates and available orders that can be used on your specific entity.

public function listableConfiguration() : array 
    return [
         * The possible templates (name => path) for the entity
        'templates' => [
            'name template 1' => 'blocks/listable/listable_article.html.twig',
            'name alternate template' => 'blocks/listable/listable_article_alternate.html.twig',
         * The possible order configuration for the entity
        'available_orders' => [
            'recent first',

The filterForListableBlock method

filterForListableBlock() must returns the query of the listable entity filtered by the chosen configuration in the admin.

use Opera\CoreBundle\Entity\Block;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;

public function filterForListableBlock(Block $block) : QueryBuilder 
     * $blockConfig['order'] and $blockConfig['limit'] will have the order and limit
     * that have been configured in the admin block
    $blockConfig = $block->getConfiguration();

     * You then have to filter your entities using the block configuration
    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');

    if (isset($blockConfig['order'])) {
        switch ($blockConfig['order']) {
            case 'recent first':
                $qb->orderBy('a.createdAt', 'DESC');
            case 'alphabetical':
                $qb->orderBy('a.title', 'ASC');

    if (isset($blockConfig['tags'])) {
        $qb->innerJoin('a.tags', 't')
            ->andWhere('t.id IN (:tags)')
            ->setParameter('tags', $blockConfig['tags']);

    return $qb;

Create your templates

The array of entities filtered accordingly to the block configuration is stored in contents variable For pagination, see PagerFantaBundle documentation

    {% for item in contents %}
        {{ item.title }}
        {{ item.text }}
    {% endfor %}

    {{ pagerfanta(contents, 'default', {pageParameter: '[' ~ page_parameter_name ~ ']'}) }}

Configuration block

Your entity will now be available to select in the ContentList Configuration with it’s availables templates and possibles orders.

admin configuration block of ContentList